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What is Hardstyle Kettlebell Training?

This style can be summarized by high intensity and few repetitions. Power optimization is the key rather than power conservation. Each rep should look just as powerful no matter if it is 12kg or 48kg. This style focuses on a balance between high tension and relaxation.

Tense the muscles. Because muscles produce force by tensing. Maximize the tension.

Tense the joints. Because a loose joint absorbs the force meant to go elsewhere; it “leaks” power and is easily injured.

Focus on breath and a strong core. Because pressure from the core increases strength.

Move from the ground. To maximize stability and to take advantage of the reactive forces.

Kettlebell sport is also known as girevoy sport, or GS for short. Girevoy is Russian for kettlebell lifter.

The object of kettlebell sport is to lift one or two bells as many times as possible within a certain amount of time (usually 5 or 10-minutes).

Many people practice kettlebell sport strictly for the exercise, as it is unmatched in efficiency (you're getting strength, cardio and endurance training benefits at once), it's widely accessible (low-impact) and easy to scale as you progress by increasing the speed of the reps and/or the weight of the bells.

Others love the deadlines and challenge a competition provide, and choose to compete in kettlebell sport lifting competitions to achieve the most clean reps within the time limit; good technique is critical.

Where did kettlebell sport come from?

The sport of kettlebell lifting was created in Russia - where the first known competition took place in 1948 with unified rules and regulations forming over the subsequent decades and culminating with membership in their National Sports Federation.

Today, aside from the athletes around the world who practice kettlebell sport to increase power endurance performance in their own primary sport, many individuals and clubs also participate in kettlebell sport competitions.

Competitions are typically 1 or 2 days held over a weekend and lifters travel to these events. A small competition may have 25 competitors and a large one may accommodate 150 or more.

There are several different kettlebell sport events, or "lifts," and the most common are (similar to olympic weightlifting) variations of the kettlebell jerk, snatch and clean and jerk (we call that long-cycle in kettlebell sport).

In olympic weightlifting the lifter is trying to lift as much weight as they can at once. A kettlebell lifter is using a weight that is challenging for them, but certainly nowhere near their max so they can repeat the lift anywhere from 20-200 times or more during their 5 or 10-minute set.

Competitions issue rankings which are determined by your actual weight or weight class, the weight of the kettlebells you use to compete, and the amount of reps you complete within the time limit.

In most kettlebell competitions, snatch is performed with one bell by both men and women and lifters are allowed one hand switch during their set. Jerk and long-cycle are performed with two kettlebells by men and either one or two bells by women, depending on the hosting organization. Each organization has their own ranking table and rules.

Are you ready to start your kettlebell journey? We have your road map already in place to take you from building the propper foundation all the way to being a competitive Kettlebell lifter!