Daily Body Weight WOD's

Daily Workouts Programmed and ready for your daily workouts to do on your own time for only $20 a month!

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Our Daily WOD's are for those who may be too busy, don’t have access to, can’t afford, or just don’t enjoy a regular gym and Program. These workouts can be done with no equipment, in very little space, and in a short time if necessary. Or if you have equipment you can add some resistance to your body weight workout! Pinnacle Fitness provides workouts for all levels and all goals.


Sample Workout

Pinnacle Fitness BodyWEight WOD

Warm up;

3 Rounds

150 x jump rope

10 x Deep Squats (ass to grass) 

20 Reverse Lunges
10 Jump Squats
*Rest 1:00
3 Rounds:
1min Max Push-Ups
(scale: Push-Ups chest to floor or Shoulder Taps in Push-Up position)
1min Plank
*Rest 1min

Max Rep AbMat Sit-Ups
*Rest 2min